Saturday, September 27, 2008

“Discovery of the unknown flaws”

I like to believe that I am the Best. Well who doesn’t? But I would like to confess here that I used to believe (till recent past) that I am the Best in whatever I do and whoever I am, and that I can easily achieve (may be faster and better than anyone else) whatever I try my hands on. Though I still believe that I am good, the self-obsession has somewhat been replaced by self-realization. To put it simply, I am thankful for whatever happened to me, because it made me see the plain fact which was by far eluding me. The fact that I was taking my life and my capabilities for granted. Yes I was!

I would not describe here the trail of events that made me realize what I did. Because it really does not matter what brought about an awakening. What matters is the learning and the transformation within.

I failed; to understand the difference between a positive self esteem and self-importance turning to egotism; to identify the fine line between considering yourself worthy and considering others unworthy; to execute what I firmly believed in that luck favors those who put in the effort. And I have no regrets in confessing and accepting that I failed. They say that each failure is a step towards success. And so do I believe. However disturbing the implications of the revelation might be, it still is a revelation.

I wanted to run away from my flaws; I hoped them to be a nightmare; I expected everything to turn OK all by itself. How foolish I was.

So now on a few resolutions –
Stop being self obsessed and accept that you may be at fault
Stop ridiculing yourself even if you do commit a mistake
Learn to take a stand howsoever difficult it may seem
Come out of the comfort zone and face the world

And a few key learnings –
Decisions may be difficult but sometimes they have to be made
Life may be dull but find out the hidden bright moments (they may sometimes by very obvious)
Appreciate what you have
Try and work to become the person that you always aspire to be

Oh great! I have become a motivational writer…. ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hii sweetie,

seemed that u have spelled ur heart out...
self realization is good but i still beleive u r d best..

u r my bestest frnd, my sweetheart (don take me wrong as others and ya motivator as well in the time of need..

luv u lots