Saturday, May 12, 2012


The other day someone asked me the meaning of "Resurrection". I answered at an impulse - It means "Rising from the dead". But then it got me thinking - how best to explain a word that holds such mystery in itself. How can their be a word for defining something which practically does not happen or rather is impossible? In school, we had a story in our text books where a mythical bird "Phoenix" had risen from its own ashes, and this was termed as "Resurrection". How very mesmerizing and enchanting. If only living beings could be revived once they're dead...

The world would not have known what "Loss" means..not known how it feels to depart forever from someone you love..not known the fear death beholds..not known the reverence for the almighty! Would that have been a better world? Opinions will differ on this motion. And I'm not going to side with any one specific opinion.

Death is natural. Plants wither to make space for new varieties. Animals perish to evolve into new species. The cycle of change is innate. But we say so only since we have not known another kind of world. Where people don't die, plants don't shrivel off, animals don't become extinct! What would happen if this was to be a reality? Well, one sure thing to come to everyone's mind would be that the planet would be overwhelmed with population of humans, animals and plants..we would be falling off the surface of earth and gravity might not be enough to hold us back! Wild imagination!

"Resurrection" - sounds extremely bewitching and fascinating...Everyone would want certain things to resurrect from their ashes while others would be good enough to remain buried deep somewhere. If only, we could choose...

Well, one thing I've resurrected recently is my blog..hope you like it and hope I keep it alive eternally...!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Virus attack

Is it too difficult to understand what you want from your life? To know what is your ultimate desire and the thing that would make you the happiest? To some, the answer might come naturally and they would think why do people waste their time over such frivolous questions. To others, these questions might sound very familiar and they would find their own dilemmas and thoughts being mirrored in these statements.

Often in our lives we go on doing what we ought to do, driven by social norms or family expectations. However, more often than not, we do what we do because we dont know what is it that we're best at. That which will make us happiest by giving us the utmost satisfaction and self-worth taking us on the path of greatness. Don't misunderstand me. I dont in any way mean that greatness is subjective. Every individual is great in his / her own being. However, true greatness is achieved when you've inspired at least one person in your lifetime to become like you.

Humans are mortal beings and the most developed amongst all species. Naturally, they have desires and dreams more complicated than other living beings. To fulfill those desires, it is not enough to have the basic amenities and be done with it (though for some less fortunate ones of our race, basic necessities might be all that they desire!). Reality is, when we get what we want most dearly and desperately, we often tend to get too familiar with it. And when the familiarity becomes a second nature, we suddenly want something more. Economists term this as the "theory of relativity". When we're hungry, the first bite tastes the best. Couple of bites later, the tastiness is less. And by the time we have a full stomach, the taste is "usual" and not so "special". So in such circumstances, how would you identify one thing that would make you eternally happy? Isn't it possible that what you want to do today would no longer keep you satisifed a couple of years later?

Well, let's try to find an answer to this question by going on a different tangent. Why do some love stories go on for a lifetime (even making history in some cases), while others get termed as "passing affairs"? What is it that keeps you interested in your partner for your life? Beauty? Brains? No, none of these. The answer is not something to do with a quality your partner posseses but with your perception of that quality or of your partner. The answer is "true love". I might write another long blog about what "true love" means, but for now, let's just think of it as a virus - the "TL virus". It is a virus that infects you and suddenly you know who is right for you.

Similarly, when you meet your ultimate goal in life, the "TL virus" will hit you and you'll experience the feeling called "true love". You'll then know what to do and all your doubts will be washed away. Most of us are waiting for the virus attack. Trouble is, it is very difficult to identify the symptoms. You might think that it is the real thing, but sometime later you might realize that it was a farce, a misconception and then you again begin your search for the virus.

I am also out there looking for the virus to attack me, waiting to get infected. Wish me luck!