Thursday, November 20, 2008

The unknown future!!

The idea of being able to know the future has bewitched the human mind since time immemorial. One comes across varied modes adopted to peep in the unknown and the unseen. There are innumerous people who would be acclaimed (although falsely in majority of the cases) to be the best of the seers; uncountable number of studies facilitating the art of foreboding; and a horde of uncanny events which may lead one to believe that some of us mortals are indeed able to see the future.

Well, I don’t want to start a debate on the capabilities and credentials of those celebrated astrologers and prophets. For I believe them not to be completely farce, but then not even a shade near to perfect. So then why at all am I painstakingly creating this whole drama referring to the unknown tomorrow?

This I am doing since I feel and firmly believe that future is in fact not uncertain. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not going to be writing about how with determination, dedication, persistence, perseverance and blah-blah-blah one can ascertain the future. Instead, I am going to be writing about a feeling which I have since my childhood. A feeling, that the future is already ascertained by the almighty, the supreme force. In other words, I believe that the lives of each and every living being in this universe are predetermined with the minutest details. It’s like a film being played when it has already been directed. Nothing in the vastness of the universe is spontaneous. Each breath that we take, each movement that we make, each word spoken or unspoken, and each thought expressed or not has been decided in advance for us.

Hard to believe? Not for me. Have you ever experience or even heard of a phenomenon called “déjà vu”? Yes, the experience of thinking that a new situation had occurred before. It happens to each one of us. Though some of us can expressly understand what it is. Is it not curious how a situation might seem to have occurred before when you consciously know that you have never been in that situation earlier? How on earth can you ever explain a feeling that you have seen an episode of a TV serial before when you know that this is the first time it is being aired? Or, how is it that you feel you have been to somebody’s place or office earlier when you are meeting that person first time in your life? Or, even how can it be that small and immaterial scenes from your life like having a cup of coffee, sitting and chatting with a friend, passing a newspaper to a family member, crossing a particularly unknown road may seem to have occurred to you before? As if you have dreamed of it earlier!

This might not sound convincing enough, but for me it is all an indication of the fact that the future is in fact not uncertain. Yes, some of the seers are able to get a glimpse of it because it is there for them to see.

And as they say, “If wishes were horses, likes of mine would gladly ride”, how I wish that I was able to see into my future. Not as broken pieces in my dreams which later lead to déjà vu, but as a whole and definite thing, with no uncertainties or doubts. But alas! Again, the wisdom of the Greater One strikes. We cannot and are not supposed to know what is going to happen to us. Won’t that take out the fun and excitement out of living? How mean of Him to plan things like this. But so it has been done, and we have no choice but to abide by it. However, it sure shows us the path to a little more wisdom. Wisdom to be complacent when we have to be and at the same time not losing the zest to live and achieve more. Wisdom to understand, enjoy and savor in the reality of the present, to live and cherish what “is”, rather than wasting away in the wait of what “will be”. For what will come will come, and we will have to face it when it does.